Hello, my avid readers!

Today, I’m going to share with you my personal struggle with an illness that seemingly came out of nowhere. Since that trauma, I’ve asked myself numerous times, ‘Wait, did it really come out of nowhere?’ I wish I could honestly say, ‘yes,’ but that would be a lie.

You see, most days I was way too busy dealing with daily life and work activities to acknowledge the clear warning signs of a physical health disaster in the making. At the time, I totally ignored my symptoms–the headaches and tiredness that come with fatigue, stress and overload–and instead convinced myself that I would someday find time to take care of my health.

Unfortunately, that day never came, and one day my body finally said, ‘ENOUGH!!!’

The Path To Recovery

The path to recovery would prove arduous and demanding, but having emerged from the depths of that harrowing ordeal, I openly share my experiences in hopes that you, my readers, will listen to those little whispers when your body is trying to tell you that something is wrong. Hopefully, you will make better choices than I did and will devote the time and effort to get back on the path to good health. So without further ado, here’s my story:

Back in early 2019, I went from feeling fine, running on a treadmill that sunny February afternoon to fighting for my life in an intensive care unit early the next morning. The doctors weren’t sure what caused my condition but suspected some sort of norovirus I had contracted on a recent Caribbean cruise.

Within a few hours of feeling nauseated, my underlying condition got much worse, setting off a cascade of infections including double-pneumonia and sepsis. When the doctors x-rayed my lungs to see what was going on inside of me, they were surprised to also find a large tumor in my abdomen.

I recall being very groggy, struggling to process the gravity of my situation. I do remember thinking, “You’ve got to be kidding!  A tumor, too? Really??? God, You sure have an interesting sense of humor!”

The Right Attitude

All kidding aside, as a 19-year cancer survivor, I knew how important attitude is to crisis survival, and I knew I could NOT afford the luxury of a negative thought. I had survived similar challenges in life and knew that my attitude was the strongest thing I had at that moment to fight my illness.

The doctors decided to intubate me—put me under with a breathing tube—to relieve the stress on my heart. (Note: this was a year before the pandemic started).

My heart surgeon, the lead doctor on my case, warned me that my situation was very serious. In short, he told me I might not wake up.

As I drifted off, I felt at peace believing I would summon the strength to fight this illness and survive. After all, I still had too much living to do and wasn’t about to check out now!

Two days later, I awoke still in the ICU. I was still not out of the woods but continued to improve.

Fixing me would eventually require 14 more days in the hospital, four months of chemotherapy, one surgery, and many months of rehabilitation.

The Recovery

Fast-forwarding to present, I have fully recovered from that setback and, in the process, gained many insights into the power of attitude, mindset and resilience.

Armed with these new experiences, I wrote the book, Money Switch: Flip Yourself Onto Happiness, Health and Wealth, to share my knowledge with people who struggle daily with life’s challenges.

In writing this book, my goal was to educate and inspire people to follow their dreams even when their current circumstances seem dire.

This journey transformed my life and allowed me to help others through my coaching and speaking programs.

Do you have an inspirational story of survival? What helped you make it through your dilemma? What role did resilience play in helping you overcome your issue? Would love to hear from you! ✍️ 😇💪

Hello, my happy readers! It’s Anita Petty, and today we’re going to talk about one of the most sought-after states of mind: happiness.

Happiness is something that we all want to achieve, but sometimes it feels like an elusive dream. We might think that we need to have a certain amount of money, a perfect partner, or a successful career to be happy. However, the truth is that happiness is not something that we can find outside of ourselves. It’s a state of mind that we cultivate from within.

So, how do we cultivate happiness? Well, it starts with a mindset shift. We need to realize that happiness is not something that we can chase. It’s something that we create. It’s a choice that we make every day. We can choose to focus on the positive aspects of our lives or the negative ones. We can choose to be grateful for what we have or focus on what we lack. The choice is ours.

Here are some tips on how to cultivate happiness:

1. Practice Gratitude

Gratitude is the cornerstone of happiness. When we focus on what we have rather than what we lack, we feel happier. Take some time every day to write down three things that you’re grateful for. They don’t have to be big things, even the small things count. Maybe you’re grateful for the warm sunshine, a cup of coffee, or a kind word from a friend. By focusing on the good things in our lives, we attract more good things.

2. Cultivate Positive Relationships

We are social creatures, and our relationships have a big impact on our happiness. Surround yourself with people who uplift you and make you feel good. Spend time with friends and family who support you and make you laugh. Avoid toxic relationships that drain your energy and make you feel bad about yourself. Remember, you are the company you keep.

3. Practice Mindfulness

Mindfulness is the practice of being present in the moment. When we’re mindful, we’re not thinking about the past or worrying about the future. We’re fully engaged in what’s happening right now. Mindfulness can help us reduce stress and anxiety, which are major obstacles to happiness. You can practice mindfulness by meditating, taking a mindful walk, or simply taking a few deep breaths.

4. Pursue Your Passions

We all have things that we love to do, but we don’t always make time for them. Pursuing our passions can bring us joy and fulfillment. Maybe you love to paint, dance, or write. Whatever it is, make time for it. When we’re doing something that we love, we’re in a state of flow, and time seems to stand still. That’s when we’re happiest.

5. Take Care of Your Body

Our physical health is closely linked to our mental health. When we take care of our bodies, we feel better both physically and mentally. Eat nutritious foods, get enough sleep, and exercise regularly. Even a brisk walk on a regular basis can be very beneficial to our well-being. These simple habits can have a big impact on our happiness.

6. Develop and Practice Resiliency Skills

In life, you will undoubtedly have days when things don’t go your way. Conflict comes when our ideas about how things should be do not match reality. What happens when life doesn’t meet your expectations? Do you experience anger, frustration or sadness? Over time, do you grow bitter or angry that things never seem to work out like you planned?

So how do we avoid the negative emotions that bring on bad stress that can block our progress? One way is to practice resiliency as part of daily mindset management.

What is Resiliency?

Let’s back up a second. You may be wondering, ‘What is this thing called resiliency?’ Resiliency is the ability to recover from setbacks, disappointments and failures. When practiced effectively, it enables us to put disappointments and misfortune in their proper perspectives—to learn and grow in spite of life’s challenges and lead happier lives.

Experts say that resiliency is an acquired skill—an ability that we can develop through changes in thoughts, actions, and behavior. Increasing resiliency involves embracing adversity and reframing it as a learning experience.

People tend to perceive bad experiences as major events when most are minor. For example, when someone cuts you off in traffic do you retaliate and physically show your anger? If you are running late and miss your flight, do you take it in stride and focus on finding another flight? Or, do you get angry and blame the gate attendants for making you late?

The key to avoiding upsetting emotions when our expectations are not met is to pause and put challenging situations in their proper perspectives. When something bad happens, stop and take a deep breath. Think.

Consider the gravity of what has happened. Is this truly a major crisis or is it really only a minor one? Are you making the situation out to be more than it is? Taking a moment to ask yourself these questions will help you reframe the situation, and, most likely, you will realize that things are not as bad as you thought.

Another way to increase resiliency and strengthen your coping skills is to recognize that worry is wasted mental energy. If you are a person who believes that worry is worthwhile as it will help you solve problems, realize that over 90 percent of the things you worry about will not even happen! Spending time playing out the various scenarios in your mind that could happen, robs you of happiness and valuable time that would be better spent focusing on important tasks. 


In conclusion, happiness is not something we can find outside of ourselves. It’s a state of mind that we cultivate from within. By practicing gratitude, cultivating positive relationships, practicing mindfulness, pursuing our passions, taking care of our bodies, and developing resiliency skills, we can create a happier life. Remember, happiness is a choice that we make every day. Choose wisely, my friends! 

You can learn more about cultivating happiness in my book, Money Switch: Flip Yourself Onto Happiness, Health & Wealth. Download your FREE copy today.

Work towards your financial goals, achieve financial success, and accumulate wealth.

A wise person once said that what we think about most is what we become. Concisely put, “Thoughts become things.” If you’re goal-oriented and positively focused, then you probably agree with this. But if you’re focused on the negative–how things never seem to work out for you in spite of your best efforts—well, then hold on tight. You may be in for a rough ride.

Ultimately, our success or failure in life has a lot to do with our thoughts, the emotions these thoughts conjure up in us, and the meaning we give to the combination when we decide to take action on them.

Emotion is critical to making real change in your life. It creates the momentum you need to achieve your goal. Think of emotion as the catalyst that drives your thoughts to action. Without emotion, your thoughts may simply remain just that—thoughts. That’s why it’s important to understand the interplay between thoughts and emotions. Knowing specifically how you direct or channel your emotions and how your emotions drive your thoughts and actions is key to your success.

When working towards your financial goals, be sure to do the things that maintain a heightened state of energy and enthusiasm. Realize, however, that while emotion can be a positive factor in getting you to take action, it can also dampen your progress—and can even bring you to a complete stop.

How can you master your emotions to accumulate wealth and achieve financial success?

First, consciously recognize the life experiences you associate with particular emotions. When something bad happens, do you associate pain, hurt, or anger with that event? Or later, when a similar event occurs, do your emotions subconsciously default to those same feelings? Or, do you see bad experiences as learning opportunities and choose to move forward, eager to improve your situation? Bottom line: how you choose to react is YOUR choice.

If you remain stuck, reacting negatively to old pains from your past, this behavior can create a sense of learned helplessness over time. You “think” you cannot change the way you feel about things that happen to you in life. Maybe you mutter to yourself, ‘It’s hopeless. I can’t change.’ Caught up in this stinking thinking, you continue to live in the past and repeatedly experience the same emotions, believing you cannot change your future.

Well, this is just not true. Emotions have power—but, they have only the power we choose to give them. Put another way, emotions get their power from the experiences we choose to associate with them. So, remember, you’re in the driver’s seat. You decide whether you control your emotions or they control you. Focus on being consciously aware of your emotions and what you associate with them. Knowing what you believe and how emotions influence your actions, decisions, and habits are critical steps in developing a solid, financial future.


You can learn more about creating a mindset for financial success in Anita Petty’s book, Money Switch: Flip Yourself Onto Happiness, Health & Wealth. Download your FREE copy today. It’s time to accumulate your wealth and reach your financial goals!